Dinosaurs The Mesozoic Mailbag

Meet Tyrannosaurus mcraeensis: the Newest Species of Giant Tyrannosaur

In what has already become a fascinating year for paleontology, Tyrannosaurus gains a second species that hints at the origin of these gigantic predators

Dinosaurs The Mesozoic Mailbag

The Gorgon’s Last Meal: Fossilized Stomach Contents of a Teenage Tyrannosaur

The undigested stomach contents of an immature Gorgosaurus has shed new light on the behaviour of these enigmatic predators and their relatives…

Dinosaurs The Mesozoic Mailbag

The Pipe Dream of Nanotyrannus Reaches New Heights: Comments on Longrich & Saitta 2024

The dream of a second Tyrannosaur genus at the end-Cretaceous of North America receives new validation, but ultimately does little to change the great Nanotyrannus debate.

Aquatic Life Carboniferous Crocodiles Dino Docs! Dinosaurs Mammals Pterosaurs The Mesozoic Mailbag

Ferocious Mammals, New Dinosaurs, and Sliced up Ground Sloths: July 2023 in Paleontology

To say July 2023 has been a crazy month for paleontology would be underselling it.

Dinosaurs Mammals The Mesozoic Mailbag

The Fighting Dinosaurs Part 3: Mammals vs Dinosaurs

A stunning new discovery has flipped the script on the relationship between mammals and (some) dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs The Mesozoic Mailbag

The Intelligence of Tyrannosaurus rex

A controversial new study has raised an important question: how much do paleontologists really know about dinosaur brains?

The Mesozoic Mailbag

Year in Review: Paleontology in 2022

Need a recap of the top discoveries, research, and events in paleontology from the last year? Look no further!

Paleozoic The Mesozoic Mailbag

A Cold, Little Fossil: The World’s Oldest Chambered Heart

Can 380-million-year-old fossilized organs last into the present? A new discovery suggests they can…

Dinosaurs The Mesozoic Mailbag

The Growing Family of Southern Armoured Dinosaurs

On August 11th, paleontologists announced the discovery of a strange, armoured dinosaur from Argentina. Read about paleontology’s latest enigma and how it compares to other strange dinosaurs from the south…

Mammals The Mesozoic Mailbag

Canada’s Mummified Baby Mammoth

In the pursuit of gold, one may stumble across greater treasures…