Mammals Max's Random Ramblings

The Crossroads of History: America’s Great Biotic Interchange

Millions of years ago, Central America became an almost unparalleled highway for organism migration.

Mammals Max's Random Ramblings

Avocados & Giants: Companionship Through Life and Death

Is there a connection between the avocados in your guacamole and extinct giant ground sloths? The answer may surprise you.

Dinosaurs The Mesozoic Mailbag

The Best of Paleontology in 2020

A collection of the best headlines, species and research in the field of paleontology from 2020


The Fascinating Ancestry of the Sloth

While sloths today are lethargic tree-dwellers, their ancestors were different beasts entirely. But what happened to these wonderful animals? And what does Thomas Jefferson have to do with them?


The Royal Tyrell: The Ultimate Museum of Prehistory

Some places have an almost mythic feel to them. The Royal Tyrell Museum of paleontology just might be one of those places. A review of the legendary natural history museum