
As Hungry as a Sauropod: The Morrison’s Giant Conundrum

The Morrison Formation is the unofficial home for giant sauropods. But did they all live together? And if so, what happened to the poor plants?

Dinosaurs Max Hypothesizes that...

A New Theory: Was Tyrannosaurus Nocturnal?

Many paleontologists have tried to explain how Tyrannosaurus hunted food. With many theories being unsatisfying, I propose a new one: was Tyrannosaurus nocturnal?


Tyrannosaurus For Sale!

On October 6th 2020, one of the most important Tyrannosaurus fossil will go on sale. But what does this mean for paleontology? And how much money would you need to buy it?


How McDonalds Saved the World’s Greatest Tyrannosaurus AKA The Legacy of Sue

A museum, Disney, and McDonalds walk into an auction to buy a dinosaur. What happens next? Read about Sue, the world’s most complete Tyrannosaurus to find out.

Aquatic Life

The Truth About Megalodon: The World’s Largest Extinct Shark

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of Megalodon, or at least watched The Meg. But does the Jason-Statham adrenaline fuel have any basis in reality?


The Fascinating Ancestry of the Sloth

While sloths today are lethargic tree-dwellers, their ancestors were different beasts entirely. But what happened to these wonderful animals? And what does Thomas Jefferson have to do with them?

The Mesozoic Mailbag

The Mesozoic Mailbag: Edition 2, April 2020

A collection of the latest headlines, species and research in the field of paleontology from March and April of 2020.


Dinosaurs on Ice: Could they Survive in Polar Climates?

We all like to think that dinosaurs lived in warm climates, but this was not always the case. Discoveries from both the Arctic and Antarctica have revealed that dinosaurs were more adaptable than what could previously be imagined.

Dino Docs!

Dino Docs: Walking With Dinosaurs (1999)

In 1999, the BBC released one of the most commercially and critically successful dinosaur documentaries of all time. But has it stood the test of time? A review of the BBC classic Walking With Dinosaurs.

Dino Docs!

Dino Docs: Prehistoric Park

In 2006, my grandfather recorded Prehistoric Park on VCR. I still watch it to this day. A review of my favourite docuseries, BBC’s Prehistoric Park.