The Mesozoic Mailbag

Edition 1, February 2020

A collection of the latest headlines, species and research in the field of paleontology from January and February of 2020.

Dinosaurs Weird Dinosaurs

From Russia With Feathers: Kulindadromeus

Every now and then, a new discovery will change the way we think of dinosaurs. Kulindadromeus, a small feathered ornithischian from Russia, is one such example.


Remembering José Bonaparte: The Man who Revolutionized South American Paleontology

A reflection on the life of José Bonaparte, the man who changed South American paleontology.

Dinosaurs Weird Dinosaurs

Liaoningosaurus: A Dinosaur… Turtle?

Dinosaurs took many strange shapes and sizes, though the ankylosaur Liaoningosaurus may just push this to the extreme.

Dinosaurs Weird Dinosaurs

Meet The Meat-Eating Bull, Carnotaurus

Isolation produces strange results. Look no further than Carnotaurus, a dinosaur so outlandish that it hardly seems real.

Dinosaurs Weird Dinosaurs

The Ceratopsians: A Multitude of Horns and Frills

While Triceratops is the most recognizable Ceratopsian or “horned dinosaur,” it is far from the most unique. Read about the six ceratopsians I consider the strangest.

Dinosaurs Weird Dinosaurs

The Bizarre Dinosaurs: The Lawn Mower

When the fossils of a small sauropod were discovered in 1976, they seemed to be nondescript. Little did the paleontologists know that they had unearthed the strangest sauropod to ever live.


The Royal Tyrell: The Ultimate Museum of Prehistory

Some places have an almost mythic feel to them. The Royal Tyrell Museum of paleontology just might be one of those places. A review of the legendary natural history museum


Tyrannosaurus vs Giganotosaurus: Who is the Superior Killing Machine?

While Tyrannosaurus has long been hailed as the king of the dinosaurs, its crown has come under scrutiny. The challenger? Giganotosaurus, an animal even larger than T-rex.

Dinosaurs Weird Dinosaurs

The 100 Year Old Dinosaur Mystery

Over 100 years ago, a monster was discovered in the deserts of Egypt. Only recently has the elusive theropod become a staple of paleontology.